We put warm Creativity and Adaptability into your Child’s Learning Needs
Integrated Home-Schooling Therapy
Is your child having trouble coping in a classroom setting or are you concerned that your child might need some help before integrating him/her into a classroom? Early intervention, integration support programs, and inclusion support programs are important for growth and development of children and youth with special needs or learning difficulties.
We believe our Home-schooling therapy may be the best way to address underlying behavioural or special learning needs that may be interfering with academic requirements. Our Integrated home-based therapy program is a one-stop daily intensive therapy service offering everything from fine and gross motor training, to functional life skills, academic related coping strategies, cognitive training, social-emotional development, behavioural support, creative play, and play therapy plus regular parent-therapist updates.
Our program is a multifaceted comprehensive program for children from 6 to 18 years old. It includes both individual and group therapy sessions. Our individual needs class is designed for children who will require special attention and our group class is small, between 3 to 5 children with learning challenges.
What do we work on your child in our integrated home-schooling therapy program?
Sensory Motor Development
Motor planning, strength, endurance, core stability, postural control.
Fine Motor Development
Handwriting, scissoring, shoe laces, feeding independently with utensils.
Life Skills
Self-care, money management, and all other vital skills needed to participate in life, learning, and work.
Executive Functioning
Memory, planning and initiating tasks, organisation, shifting thinking.
Impulse control, self-regulation, socialisation, turn taking, flexible thinking, theory of mind (understanding and adapting to the concept that other people have different ideas than you)
Behavioural Support
Emotional and interpersonal maladjustments, negative behaviour resulting from attention and concentration skills, and defiance.
Sensory Processing
Oral Motor issues, eating problems, clothing sensitivities, attention disorders, noise sensitivities.
Language and numeracy
Basic communicative skills and numeracy skills required for everyday functioning.
As a primer for a child’s hoped-for eventual step into mainstream settings, our program is designed to assist and enrich the lives of children with mild to severe developmental needs. We ensure our learning support bridges gaps and aids in laying the foundation for continued learning.
We also have a parent support group where our therapists share their knowledge, resources and experiences with parents and caregivers. This is aimed at equipping them with skills and tips for supporting children at home.
We offer both FREE Consultation and FREE Evaluation. Each child is unique in his/her needs. Call us now for a free evaluation upon consultation with our friendly consultant.